Camp Schedule

Those attending the camp should plan on arriving on Saturday afternoon or early evening. The camp schedule is determined by the director and may vary from the schedule below. What follows is a typical camp schedule.

5:30 Light evening meal
7:00 Chapel - All family
10:30 Curfew - All campers to their rooms
7:45 Breakfast
9:15 Lord's Supper (collection is for Ozark expenses)
10:45 Bible Hour (Sunday school for ages 3-12)
12:15 Lunch
1:00 Free afternoon - No meetings or organized sports
5:00 Supper
7:00 Chapel - All family
11:00 Curfew
7:30 Prayer at chapel (optional)
8:00 Breakfast
9:15 Singing, Daily announcements, and Chapel - All family
10:30 Break
10:45 Adults to chapel, teens and children to classes
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Family time (river activities, trail rides, swimming, etc.)
5:00 Supper
7:00 Chapel - All family
11:00 Curfew
7:30 Prayer at chapel (optional)
8:00 Breakfast
Campers clean rooms, pack, and depart